

An Ostara Poem

The Price is Right:An Ostara Poem

Old ways are coming back!
Can you feel the arrows pointing here at the Sun?
Sometimes my smile points up there but to the moon too.
Our favorite kisses draw a line to happy places.
Play a game called "Somewhere in Time."
Where time stops and moments are counted out.
Like tokens to a slot machine.
And wishes are granted for the correct spin.
Blazing orange lights up the wheels.
And thoughts are given high priority.
Carelessness shall pass like some old aging ogre.
Prophecies shall light upon your tressled cheek.
Like kisses-me-here little whispers.
Voices in the wind in the trees
As the little squirrel scrambles and chatters away.
Making us unified
Gathered to meet
As cold wind utters his last breath.

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